5 Reasons you need a Podcast Editor
Max Carrey and Jonathan Merrifield are an Editor and Founder at Podcast Editing Services, a UK-based company offering a wide variety of video and audio services to clients including Gousto, Pets At Home and The Lancet. They tell us how working with a Podcast Editor can help make your podcast a success…
“A bad sounding podcast will turn away new listeners from what could be a successful podcast”
Whether you’re brand new to podcasting or have been making a podcast for years, it’s important to consider a Podcast Editor. An Editor can help you find your feet with a new podcast project or take your existing show to the next level. Hiring a professional to take care of the technicalities can help you get the most ROI from your substantial efforts. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider working with one of our Podcast Editors:
It saves you tons of time
Did you know that editing out all the pauses and irrelevant parts of a podcast can take up to eight times as long as the recording itself, and up to four times as long even when you know your editing software already? Editing a podcast takes a long time, especially if you are new to the world of podcasting. The biggest benefit of hiring a Podcast Editor is no doubt saving the time (not to mention the colossal headache) it takes to actually go through and edit your podcast. And if you hire an Editor before you launch it can save the time spent learning how to use new complicated editing software.
A second pair of ears
If you hire a podcast editor, you’ll be getting a new perspective on your podcast. They can provide a fresh take and offer impartial feedback on your show before you publish it. It’s easy to overlook things that could be improved upon when it’s your own project and a Podcast Editor can help point out ways to enhance your podcast. They will have a good ear for the most engaging parts and help refine your recordings. For example, at Podcast Editing Services, we can attach an engaging leading clip at the top of your episode or create small engaging clips for socials to draw in more listeners.
Sound more professional
If you think it doesn’t take a team to create a professional podcast, think again! Many successful podcasts that look like they have small teams often have many people working behind the scenes. Our Podcast Editors wake up in the morning with the sole purpose to get the best out of your recording and enhance it in every way they can. We have access to pricey professional audio tools to improve the sound quality of your recordings. Did you know there are even tools that Podcast Editors can use to remove background noises? These tools can save a ruined recording, but these are often in the £££-££££ range. You don’t always want to buy expensive software for a one-off or new project. Fear not though, as we own and study them and know exactly how to utilise them.
Having good sound quality is important in making a good first impression, to both listeners and potential sponsors. But if you’re trying to do this for a living, working with a company like us means you’ll be able to put all your energy into a professional performance and looking after your guests.
Ongoing support
Hiring a Podcast Editor goes beyond just a transactional service – you’re entering a partnership with someone with a wealth of experience. Making a podcast seems simple and straightforward but to keep up the consistency takes a lot of work, so having someone to support you on that journey is really important. Once you sign up to Podcast Editing Services, you will speak to the same Editor at all times. There will be unexpected issues that you’ll run into but having your Editor to guide you through these challenges will make your life much easier.
Added extras
Oftentimes, Podcast Editors will provide other services related to podcasting that you might not have even considered. Some will help you out with promoting your show on social media by making Audiograms (short highlight clips with a simple visualiser). Some can provide a transcript of each episode. They will also know graphic designers who can make the artwork for your podcast, which is important in standing out from the crowd. Our Editors all have experience of working on lots of other podcasts, and will share this knowledge and wisdom with you. This way you can work smarter, not harder, and put wheels on your project from the beginning.
If you are unsure about what kind of support you require with your podcast, drop Podcast Editing Services an email via our website. Or call for a friendly chat to discuss your needs on 02071937592 and mention you saw us on the Pod Bible website. We can bring your project to life.
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