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Talking podcasts with Acast and Sisters In The City

Sisters in the City cover


Talking podcasts with Acast and Sisters In The City

This is Let There Be Pod in Association with Acast. In each issue of the magazine, our partner Acast – home of the UK’s BEST podcasters – sits down for a chat with one of its creators to hear what they love about making podcasts. In this interview, from issue #020, Acast speaks to Anna & Mandi Vakili about Sisters In The City!

Acast: What about podcasting made you want to start one of your own?

SITC: We love how podcasts are an authentic and natural way for podcasters to express their thoughts and experiences and connect with their audience on a more personal level. We have always felt like we had so much more to us than pictures and posing on visual social media platforms and are so passionate about our Sisters in the a City podcast, which is a place we can truly be our crazy controversial selves!

What are some of the weirdest topics you’ve spoken about on the podcast?

We’ve opened up on so many topics and coughed up secrets we thought we’d take to the GRAVE!! From spending the night in jail to unwanted pregnancies and cosmetic surgery, there’s definitely no box left unopened! It’s been hilarious but also sometimes emotional touching on some of these topics and digging out some memories we just wish we never had! But we know so many people will be able to relate to even the strangest topics and we want Sisters in the City to be a comfortable no judgment zone for us and our listeners.

What are the key items a girl has to have when living in the city?

Oooo this one is interesting! Ok, so we don’t leave for a night out without the original airwaves chewing gum! It’s the most refreshing and you just never know when you might see a cutie (if you’re single of course) and need that fresh breath for a kiss. Secondly, I’d probably say a lipliner and lipgloss to fix up your pout once you’ve messed up your makeup from kissing the lucky frog! Finally, I would say hairbrush! Can’t have that party hair in the middle of the night and look like you’ve been dragged through a bush! Got to keep the mane tamed!

In comparison to visual-based platforms like Instagram and YouTube, what do you think podcasting offers that they don’t?

It’s so nice for podcasters and ourselves to just relax and not be self-conscious of how we look while we’re having a chat and not worry about what other people will comment or say about our appearance. Women are definitely more prone to this. Female presenters or YouTubers for example get way more stick about their appearance and outfits than men do. I think it’s refreshing how podcasts don’t have this visual element and as a result podcasters have way more of a genuine connection with their audience.

What’s one hot tip for the budding podcaster out there?

I think the best advice has to be to completely and utterly be yourself. That’s the only way of guaranteeing your podcast will be completely unique, because there is only one you. Also, don’t hesitate to explore topics you’re passionate about on your podcast. I think listeners can tell and engage way more when a podcaster is diving into topics and conversations that really interest them.

Do you think they’ll be growth in influencers into podcasting, and if so why?

I think there definitely will be 100%, well, especially with the influencers who have a big personality. There must be influencers out there like us, who struggle with solely using visual social media platforms to connect with their followers. Those influencers I think will be drawn to podcasts. It’s so much more mentally stimulating as well, to actually listen to thoughts and opinions on topics rather than mindlessly scrolling through pictures and videos all the time!

What have been your stand out moments on the podcast so far?

It’s been such a laugh! We’ve had moments where we are genuinely in stitches laughing out loud and times where we get into little bickering arguments, and it’s all such a memorable journey. I think the times that stand out to us the most, is the moments where, we have no idea what the other person is actually going to say because it’s all so natural and freestyle, and then suddenly one of us will just drop this massive emotional bomb or memory. At that moment the podcast feels so raw and real because the other person didn’t know it was coming, so the reaction and response going back and forth is so precious I think.

Sisters in the city podcast art

Listen to Sisters In The City on Acast, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other popular podcast players.

Want to join the UK’s BIGGEST podcast network, alongside Dane Baptiste, Jessie Ware and Adam Buxton? Start podcasting with Acast today! Use the code ACAST-POD-BIBLE for three months of their “Influencer” plan free at

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