Bald Ambition: Delivering value in the world of influence
Have You Heard? is where the Pod Bible team meet the people behind the podcasts you may not have heard of yet. While the Oh. My. Pod. section in the magazine gives a quick shout out to shows of that ilk, Have You Heard? aims to go deeper in an effort to spread awareness for shows that deserve more exposure! We recently heard from Christopher Kris, one of Australasia’s most innovative minds and host of the podcast Bald Ambition.
Who are you and what’s your podcast about?
Hi I’m Christopher Kris, Director and donut devourer at www.curatorsocial.com. My podcast “Bald Ambition” is all about telling diverse stories, delivering value in the world of influence, digital and social media. I’ve worked with Grammy Award winning artists and helped place brands in front of millions of customers online, however I spend way too much time chatting to our family dogs as if they were human about pretty intense topics, and yes, my psychologist has recommended for me to do this podcast instead.
Bald Ambition is a celebration of diverse talent, success and learnings, within these stories we’re aiming to give our listeners actionables and advice as to how they can achieve the same for themselves. Whether it’s blue tick verification OR creating a million dollar content creation offering on a budget, we’ve done it all for our clients and then some…it’s my absolute honor to pass all of that info on, you’ll just need to put up with my absolutely sad humor in between (see K9 comment above).
What was the first podcast you ever listened to?
One of the first podcasts I really enjoy tuning into is Ace the Gram by Tash and Viv who are two amazing humans from here in New Zealand, really good banter and also they dive into some really useful information in relation to social media and influence.
Why did you decide to start podcasting in the first place?
I have loved telling and listening to stories for as long as I can remember, anything that is of value that I have learnt has been through an experience . Whether it was through music or starting up a business, we’re always being told or telling a story. Another key driver for me was to help and facilitate a space where people could dive into their own stories and share them with our listeners as well. I remember chatting with a dear friend Qiana Conley who is an absolute powerhouse in the music industry, she’s worked for the likes of Simon Cowell and is instrumental in the rise of many successful acts we see today. It’s these quiet achievers humbly working in the background doing incredible things that I love hearing about.
Secondly I think we all have the ability to bring out something different in everyone we meet based on who we are. For me, if I can crack that ‘one sentence’ or piece of value that changes someone’s trajectory in business or life, then I’m super happy. No two guests are the same, it’s a real test for me to see if I can get to that moment or piece of gold that will resonate with our listeners while allowing the guest to truly shine.
Lastly and selfishly, I am learning so much myself! I am blown away by the knowledge and insights our guests are sharing. When someone shares their knowledge it’s food for our minds, when they share their stories it’s food for our souls, needless to say i’m well fed each episode!
Who’s your dream guest for the podcast?
I would really love to interview either The Rock or Sasha Banks (I’m such a wrestling nerd) however I’d probably lose my s(*& and go silent on both. In reality I also have a bad habit of making a mockery of myself with inspirational people I really want to meet, I remember meeting TBOZ of TLC when we did a song together and I fumbled across the hotel room she was in and literally almost fell on my face, I told her I was nervous and I don’t know what I’m doing sorry but I’m a huge fan, she laughed and also realised that adulting was not a thing where i’m from apparently. PS I will definitely be getting her on soon too! She’s a huge inspo and thankfully a dear friend now, so she’s high on the list for sure.
Aside from being super talented, all the above have a uniquely inspirational story, they’ve come from different backgrounds and made such a huge impact in their respective industries changing the game as a result.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far as a podcaster?
Don’t overthink, don’t over prepare….I used to research my guests to the point I forget I’m about to chat to an actual human, connection is everything and I’ve learnt that early on with public speaking and performance. I’ve learnt to have a good amount of information at hand and to have a general idea and flow of where the conversation is going to go, and leave the rest to the actual conversation.
Which episode would you say is the perfect introduction to your podcast?
Episode #3 with Qiana Conley OR Episode #6 with Andrea Romero! Those two women are absolute stars and have done some incredible work that is well worth noting and learning from.
Where can the Pod Bible readers find out more about you?
Christopherkris.com for the podcast OR more on my agency at www.curatorsocial.com! I’m also on IG @christhekris, I’d love to hear from podcasters out there and can’t wait to feature a few of their incredible stories and insights on our future episodes as well.
Listen to Bald Ambition now on SPOTIFY and your favourite podcast app.
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