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HAVE YOU HEARD? // Hope & Patience


HAVE YOU HEARD? // Hope & Patience

Have You Heard? is a series in which the team from Pod Bible meet the people behind the podcasts you may not have heard of yet. While the Oh. My. Pod. section in the magazine gives a quick shout out to shows of that ilk, Have You Heard aims to go deeper in an effort to spread awareness for shows that deserve more exposure! In this edition, we sat down with Amelia Rope to discuss her podcast, Hope & Patience.

Pod Bible: Who are you and what’s your podcast about?
Amelia Rope: I’m Amelia Rope, ex chocolate creator (Amelia Rope Chocolate) and now podcaster. Hope & Patience, named after my 2 grannies but also two vital qualities we seem to constantly need in life, is a podcast where I and a guest (either a founder or wellbeing expert) chat about the challenges of running a business, the mindset required and importantly how we need to take care of ourselves along the way. Being a chocolate lover we also break open chocolate on each show, too! They are released fortnightly and thankfully all up to early May recorded pre-Corona. The episodes are around 40-45 minutes long.
Given our current world we now find ourselves propelled into, I am launching an offshoot podcast called Tales of Hope & Patience. This will go beyond business and is for absolutely everyone to be a guest. Everybody who has a story of when they had to hold onto Hope and had to have bucket loads of Patience can be a guest. And I want to share these with the listeners: to inspire, bring a giggle, perhaps shed a tear. Any topic (apart from non-explicit!) The episodes will be 15-20 minutes and released every other week.

PB: What’s the first podcast you ever listened to?
AR: How To Fail with Elizabeth Day interviewing Pandora Sykes. I tuned in after hearing about her book. I loved her honesty, articulation and chat. From there I found Adam Buxton – if you haven’t listened to him, his voice purrs!

PB: Why did you decide to start podcasting in the first place?
AR: As with my chocolate business, Amelia Rope Chocolate, I kind of fell into podcasting. I knew I was evolving from my business which I had run for nearly 13 years and last summer started exploring podcasts and youtube channels. I have always enjoyed being interviewed (papers, mags, blogs, tv, radio, et al) and am fascinated by people, their stories, what makes them tick, and how they handle life. As a Founder and working very much on my own I always wanted to hear what others did when challenged, their mindset and also importantly, how they looked after their wellbeing. I also compromised my mental and physical health at times when I really needed it to be well. So much so that my immune system crashed and I ended up with a diagnosis of Sjogren’s Syndrome (barely able to walk, kneel or stand for long and more alongside). Guests are either founders or wellbeing experts and we share chat, the odd giggle and chocolate, of course!

PB: Which podcasts do you take inspiration from?
AR: Tough one – I love George the Poet and Viv Groskrup’s How to Own the Room, as well the two mentioned above. I am pretty new to the podcast world so still finding my way with who to listen to, and tend to dip in and dip out.  

PB: Who’s your dream guest for the podcast?
Oooh – Arianna Huffington. Such an incredible inspiration to so many.

PB: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far as a podcaster?
AR: To be as relaxed as possible and to work from a set format. (My amazing producer disciplined me with a format and I can now see why!) As I am used to sitting in the guest seat and being interviewed it’s a massive learning curve with creating interesting questions, avoiding going off-piste with chat.  I try to listen to previous episodes regularly to see where I need to up my game!

PB: Which episode would you say is the perfect introduction to your podcast?
AR: Ooh, tough one as I have so enjoyed them all.  My first podcast with the superb Rohan Blacker, who is an amazing raconteur; he has so many chapters in his life that we ran out of time! All have amazing gems – so any episode is a good way to dip in.  

PB: Where can the Pod Bible readers find out more about you?
AR: Join me @hopeandpat (insta, FB and Twitter) and @amelia_rope (insta), @ameliarope (twitter) as well as the website


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