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In The Shed with Ryan: Mind travelling to many dimensional realities

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In The Shed with Ryan: Mind travelling to many dimensional realities

Have You Heard? is where the Pod Bible team meet the people behind the podcasts you may not have heard of yet. Today we’re speaking to cosmic voyager Ryan, who creates the mind-expanding podcast ‘In The Shed with Ryan‘…
Can you tell us a bit about your show?

The Shed is a portal that allows the mind to travel to many dimensional realities, which I will guide you through. The nature of reality has always fascinated me and I have never stopped my want for knowledge. I only hope with this platform I can open the minds of others to information that may be out of reach or just not something with their reality, with the purpose of helping them along the journey of life we find ourselves in.

Why podcasting? What is it about the format that appeals to you?

My passion is the art of conversation, and the fact I can talk for 1-2 hours and people will actually listen still amazes me. We are still in the early stages of podcasting and I feel it’s as free as free speech can be in the times we are in.

What do you think the secret is to being a good podcast interviewer?

To listen.

You have a beautifully eclectic list of guests – what makes a good guest?

What stands out to me with any guest at The Shed is their courage, their ability to talk about the subjects others may struggle with and therefore choose to listen. All I wish to do is facilitate the words of bravery and strength.

The visuals for your show are really great – from the set-up of your Shed to the artwork – how important is that for you and how did you decide what to have on display?

Just like humans, we have a lot to give on the inside and I feel the people I resonate with the most are those who show it on the outside. The same goes with branding, In The Shed with Ryan is exactly what it says on the tin. Haha.

Which episode would you say is the perfect introduction to your podcast?

Depends if you want to hear me waffle on In The Shed directly to you or if you wish to have an insight to a reality of one of my amazing guests like Javeno Mclean who has helped 1000’s of people over the past 20 years with disabilities in his health centre he calls the j7 Health Centre or if you want to go to another dimension listen to Darren Le Baron, where you may discover you are a mushroom having a human experience…

In the Shed with Ryan

Listen to In The Shed with Ryan on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other popular podcast apps >>

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