Lexx Education: A comedy podcast about learning GCSE Triple science
Have You Heard? is where the Pod Bible team meet the people behind the podcasts you may not have heard of yet. Today we’re bringing an interview with Lexx Education, a comedy science podcast supported by Pod Spike. Brother and sister Laura and Rob tell us a bit more about it…
Who are you and what’s your podcast about?
We are Laura Lexx, successful comedian, novellist, and podcaster of Live at the Apollo, Mock the Week, Hypothetical, National Treasures, and many more… and Ron – her brother. In the podcast Ron attempts to teach Laura a GCSE Triple Science qualification for ever diminishing reasons and returns. Equal parts science, nonsense and sibling rivalry, this podcast will swing wildly from Mendeleev’s invention of the periodic table to which grains and pulses [have a very particular smell – find out more on the podcast – ed.].
What’s the first podcast you ever listened to?
Ron: Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History
Laura: I grew up listening to the wireless in Thatcher’s Britain, I have harboured a crush on Ken Bruce since the 90’s, so naturally I ended up listening to Radio 4’s Comedy Hour
Why did you decide to start podcasting in the first place?
Ultimately, it’s because we used to hang out every week but then Ron moved away and we were sad. The concept of this podcast arose from the fact that Ron is an avid comedy fan so we end up talking a lot about Laura’s profession, but Ron studied molecular biology at uni and never gets to discuss it with anyone and therefore prove how smart he is.
Which podcasts do you take inspiration from?
Ron: Complete Guide to Everything, the way they make things sound like coherent content while actually veering wildly from the subject matter is very inspirational and Loremen Pod – almost for the opposite reason of very tight improv/jokes around the format.
Laura: Trivial Warfare really inspired me by the way they built community with their podcast, Complete Guide for their ability to be themselves over such a long career podcasting, lately I’m loving Scam Goddess for not seeming so much to try and stick to the tight edit tight format but letting it run loose with improv.
Who’s your dream guest for the podcast?
Ron: Sara Pascoe or Dan Schrieber, although I would be worried about my tenuous qualifications being exposed.
Laura: Ken Bruce, although I’d be worried about fainting.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far as a podcaster?
Ron: It’s not as effortless as people make it seem, you really need to do the prep work.
Laura: How humbling and uplifting it is to work with family, Ron is very talented and engaging even though he has had no formal training. The way he has handled certain bits of the press has been very admirable.
Which episode would you say is the perfect introduction to your podcast?
For continuity’s sake it’s not a bad idea to start from the beginning, but to get a good flavour of the podcast then starting in the thick of it with episode 4 or 5 is a good idea. If you want to tear your hair out then episode 6. Definitely episode 6.
Where can the Pod Bible readers find out more about you?
@lexxeducation on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok (we’re most active on Twitter), or lexxeducation@gmail.com if you’d like to get in touch. The podcast is available on all major platforms!