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OVERHEARD IN THE STUDIO // Menopause, ghostly figures, children in peril and the worst thing to happen…

Overheard in the podcast studio


OVERHEARD IN THE STUDIO // Menopause, ghostly figures, children in peril and the worst thing to happen…

Overheard in the Studio, the series that pulls out the weird, wonderful and brilliant things we overhear while in the Content is Queen studio, is back again for the new year with more earwigging treasures. For this issue we have reached out to the amazing podcasters who are in our wider community and located all over the UK to find out what exciting projects they have been working on.

Black Menopause and Beyond

“Most people cannot remember who they are beyond parenthood”

– Leesh, Black Menopause and Beyond

Black Menopause and Beyond is a podcast hosted by Anita Powel who explores what it is like dealing with perimenopause and questions this media-quiet milestone that affects most women. In one of Anita’s latest episodes she speaks to her friend Leesh. Leesh presumed that one day she would have a child. After years of wanting to fall pregnant, she was diagnosed with a non-cancerous tumour and told that her pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage in 1998 had triggered her brain into a phantom pregnancy.

In 2011, after being in a state of Phantom Pregnancy for 11 years, she was finally put on medication to resolve the issue. Now, she is childless and postmenopause. In the podcast Leesh talks about these past emotional decades, how she has coped with her childlessness and society’s devaluing of childless women. It is an emotional listen and I would recommend anyone who is in the same position to check it out.

Listen to episode twelve of the Black Menopause and Beyond podcast, where you can find out more about menopause from the perspective of a black woman.

HOney and the HEx

“Drag performers have reported seeing ghostly figures and shadows in their dressing rooms”

– Tatum Swithenbank, Honey and the Hex

Honey and the Hex is a sister duo exploring the origins, traditions and intersections of folklore and where they lie today. Through a progressive lens, they delve into myths, magick and mystery in English and Scottish folklore. In their Black Cap episode, Honey and the Hex take you back to a 17th Century rural Camden Town where they explore the ghosts who still inhabit the iconic venues. Think haunted Drag shows, teapots full of deadly drugs, and a witch so dangerous several of her boyfriends ended up in the oven. The Black Cap was an extremely important LGBTQIA+ venue from around mid 1960 until 2015 when it very sadly closed. Thanks to incredible community campaigning from ‘We are the Black Cap’ the reopening is finally looking like a possibility.

Listen to Season two, episode three of Honey and the Hex ‘The Black Cap’ where you can also find more wonderful mystical episodes to check out.

Epic Fun Land

“This is my handy Scream-o-Meter 3000! These bad-boys are sanctioned by the government, so if there’s a child in peril on this island, I’ll be the first to hear about it.”

The Health Inspector, Epic Fun Land

Epic Fun Land is a comedy-fiction podcast from the team who were nominated for the Imison Audio Drama Award in 2021 for their previous drama, Scoop McDoolie. Epic Fun land is a proof-of-concept pilot written by Isaac Fisher, Dan H and Nala Vanslembrouck. The show was produced with funding support from Content is Queen. Epic Funland is about a miserable gourmet chef called Clive, who is exiled to a grotty theme park island in the North Sea. The chef must learn to love his new home by going on a series of whimsical adventures with its dim-witted but good-natured heir, Sebastian. It is hilariously funny and one for those who loved silly shows like SpongeBob growing up. I would love to see this turned into a cartoon one day.

Listen to Episode one of Epic Fun Land ‘You must be this tall to die’

20 NOT something

“The worst thing that ever happened to me was when I got everything I thought I wanted.”

– Lewis Jenkins, 20 NOT Something

20 NOT Something is the podcast for 20 somethings who haven’t quite figured out what their ‘something’ is yet! Host Emma Tindall interviews people in the public eye who are aged 30 and above about their messy twenties decade – from olympians and CEOs to authors and comedians, it’s a fun, reflective and nostalgic conversation to reassure those who might feel a bit lost in their twenties!

The latest episode featured was a 2021 round-up episode incorporating all the best bits of the year. You’ll hear from celebrity dating guru Paul Brunson on getting married in his early twenties and the freedom and power that comes from finding ‘the one’ so early. Comedian Fern Brady also compares her experience of working in strip clubs with being a stand up comic in her twenties, and author and journalist Elizabeth Day weighs in on why she thinks that ageing is actually where all her strength and power has come from.

Listen to the series now, where you can check out some more brilliant interviews of Emma’s guests’ turbulent twenties.

Imriel Morgan is the Founder and CEO of the podcast club and agency Content is Queen. She is a Marketing Maven and cultural innovator in the podcasting industry. Imriel’s mission is to make podcasts inclusive, affordable and accessible.

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