Podcast Day Online – 26th October 2020
PODCAST DAY Online is just around the corner so we spoke to the team at Radiodays Europe to find out more about the event and ask about their love for podcasts!
First off, can you tell us about your event?
Our event is called PODCAST DAY Online, it is our first virtual event but our 4th podcast event, the preceding 3 were two in Denmark and a sell out event in London last year. The event brings together podcasters and those in the business of podcast from all over the world to talk about podcasting.
Why did you decide to start a podcast event in the first place?
We are part of the team who run the hugely successful Radiodays Europe event which is now in it’s 11th year, though it will actually be the 12th year when we get to our postponed event in Lisbon, Portugal on 2-4 May 2021. However, a few years ago it was felt although Radiodays Europe does have podcasting as part of the programme we needed a more focused event to cater for this growing market. We based the first event in Scandinavia as this is where the first Radiodays Europe events were held and there was a feeling of going home. This year was once again going to be in London as it is such a hub of podcasting. Now however due to Covid we have gone on line so we are no longer constrained to one location we are Everywhere!
What are the first podcasts the team ever listened to?
The PODCAST DAY Online team listen to a lot of podcasts, the main genre being football as we have two fanatical football fans on staff. It’s difficult to say what the first podcast was that we listened too but the first speaker at that event was Eric Diehn, CEO of Midroll, Stitcher and Earwolf, USA and the first podcaster who stepped on the stage for Podcast Day 2017 was Helen Zaltzman of Answer me this! and The Allusionist the ‘Queen of Podcast’ from the UK! We started as we meant to go on and have with the best speakers!
Which podcasts do you take inspiration from?
Right now we are taking inspiration from the many podcasters and podcasts that have popped up during the Covid crisis. We are passionate about the role podcasters and podcasts have played during this time to provide information, to entertain and much more. Covid has been the crisis of audio with people turning back to the comfort of the spoken word and maybe tuning into podcasts for the first time. All those people out there who have made podcasts about, for and during this crisis are our inspiration – cheesy but we don’t care! And, if you want to check some of them out you can do this on the Coronavirus Radio Ideas Page on Facebook. We ran a competition for Podcasters to submit the best of their content – winners announced soon!
Who’s are you most looking forward to hearing from at this years event?
That would be telling, the list is so ridiculously long and to be honest we are pretty proud of who we have speaking this year – see the list here. We currently have: Ear Hustle, Hunting Warhead, BBC Coronavirus, The Comb, Washington d’ici, Radio Sodoma, Germany 3000 (winners of the German podcast awards), winners of the British Podcast Awards and many more on stage! #Excited.com – that’s us not a new podcast.

Washington d’ici
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far from running a podcast event?
Take nothing for granted, be fast to react, don’t sweat the small stuff, keep going no matter what and keep listening to podcasts – or were those just our lessons for life in general, who knows but they work 🙂
Where can the Pod Bible readers find out more about you?
www.radiodayseuropepodcastday.com/register-now – Join us, you won’t regret it! The whole event is online and there is a discount; 30EUR (reduced from 55EUR) with this special promotional code: PODONLINE20 Come and check it out, the line up is amazing, the sessions are super short we have some fun stuff going on in the breaks and if you can’t sit still for the whole of the day you can access all of the content on Catch Up as part of the price so can watch it in your own time! Perfect!
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