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All posts tagged "book podcasts"

The Pod Bible Podcast is the podcast podcast where podcasters talk to podcasters about podcasts and podcasting. Does it get anymore meta?

The show is hosted by Pod Bible editor Adam Richardson and occasionally features fellow Pod Bible co-founders Stu Whiffen and Scroobius Pip.

We bring you a bite size, magazine style show featuring three guests talking about their show or the shows they enjoy listening to. The aim is to give you a chance to hear from your favourite podcasters while also introducing you to people and podcasts you may not be aware of yet.

Guests include the people behind podcasts such as Off Menu, No Such Thing As A Fish, Football Ramble, Griefcast, Films To Be Buried With, The Receipts, Drunk Women Solving Crime and many, many more. Let’s spread the word of pod!

The Pod Bible Podcast is available to listen to on Acast, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and all good podcast outlets!


    Auddy Spotlight – Shedunnit and Simon Mayo’s Books of the Year

    By May 12, 2023

    Auddy is inspiring and engaging audiences through audio. Supporting creators, creating branded content and private podcasts. They know all about quality podcasts and in their new column for us, they are sharing some of their favourites. From Issue #026, this is Auddy’s Shows Worth Knowing About… In Shedunnit, Caroline Crampton is unravelling the mysteries behind classic detective stories… How would...


    7 of the best Harry Potter podcasts

    By May 27, 2022

    Even 25 years since a flying motorbike first touched down outside a nondescript house on Privet Drive, Little Whinging, the world is still utterly besotted with Harry Potter. However wobbly and is-this-still-a-good-idea the extended franchise films become, however fraught the conversation around JK Rowling, however rambling and complex the Potter lore becomes, it seems there will always be people ready...


    5 reasons why podcasters should publish

    By December 2, 2021

    You may be familiar with a lot of great podcast-inspired books already. What you might not realise is that getting a book published isn’t as difficult as you may think. In fact, there are many reasons why podcasters make perfect authors. Creative publishing agency whitefox tells us more… 1.) You already have a head start You won’t be starting from scratch like other debut...


    5 great book podcasts for non-bookish people this World Book Night

    By April 23, 2021

    Hajar J. Woodland, co-host of The Dabbler’s Book Club, has long known that reading is a lifeline. But it isn’t always easy to keep up the habit, especially in trying times. Ahead of World Book Night, she writes about how her joy of novels isn’t just in the reading; it’s in podcasting about books too. Plus, find out her recommendations...


    REVIEW // Blacticulate – Stories That Stick

    By July 7, 2020

    A few weeks ago, we recommended the nine-part podcast About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge. At the end of those powerful episodes, Reni recommended several other programmes hosted by Black creators, which is how we came to learn about Blacticulate, a platform for elevating Black stories in the U.K. Founded by Ade Bamgbala, the platform produces podcasts, hosts workshops, and provides...

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