The best new pods of WINTER 2023
The list of new podcasts we have to pick from is overwhelming. Many podcast apps will suggest several of the newest shows they think are noteworthy, but we know that seeing cover art isn’t necessarily going to convince you to add a podcast to your queue. It’s difficult to know if you would enjoy the show without knowing a bit more and hearing from other people that the show is worth listening to.
That’s why we’ve once again asked some of our writers to recommend the shows they think you should check out, before sharing some of the shows we’ve recommended in our newsletter…
Recommended by Tom Nicholson
I have a soft spot for podcasts which get academics on to talk at length about their extremely specific niche, and another soft spot for podcasts which talk about big, wobbly ideas which make me feel a bit freaked out. In the middle of this Venn soft spot is Why?, which has asked a series of cosmically huge, reality-shaking questions in an accessible, approachable way. Is time real? Why do we remember things that never happened? What will humans look like in a million years? Why? has such an easy-going, brain-expanding feel to it that it’s hard not to be charmed. Listen now >>
No Worries If Not
Recommended by Katie Stokes
Feminist writer and cartoonist Lily O’Farrell (aka @VulgaDrawings) has a gift for on-the-nose commentary about internet culture and how it affects women. Luckily, she’s brought these observations to podcast form. If you’ve personally been the victim of an ‘almond mum’, worry about the effects of digital domesticity, or have been on the receiving end of an ‘alpha male’ monologue, you may find solace in this show. Relevancy on the internet is fickle, yet this podcast manages to live in the present – a show about right now, for right now. Give it a listen to stay up to date, but of course…no worries if not! Listen now >>
What Now? With Trevor Noah
Recommended by Mimi Jones
South African comedian and political commentator Trevor Noah has taken the dive into podcasts with “What Now? With Trevor Noah” and we’re loving it. It is a witty, pleasing on the ears show, following conversations with various celebrities exploring their views on anything and everything. The point isn’t to change your mind on them, or their subjects they discuss, but, in Trevor’s words, purely to walk away saying ‘Huh, that gave me something to think about’. The conversations are dynamic, deeply personal, political without being too heavy, and with Trevor’s classic comedic flair. Listen now >>
28 Dates Later
Recommended by Laviea Thomas
28 Dates Later is the *perfect* podcast to tune into if you’re a single woman in your early 20s. More specifically, if you’ve ever been, or currently are trapped in the hell hole that is dating apps. This podcast officially launched Monday 6th November and has been a hot topic for me every week since. It’s the perfect giggle and makes you feel better about your own dating life, whilst simultaneously giving you a sense of reassurance. It’s a confidence boost to remind yourself to not put all your worth in the hands of the people you date. Listen now >>
Stories from the Village of Nothing Much
Recommended by Takudzwa Mudiwa
iHeartPodcasts’ Stories from the Village of Nothing Much podcast is warm and present. Yoga and meditation teacher Kathryn Nicolai takes us through a fictional village where she points out the simple pleasures of life; twinkling of stars and snowflakes falling. She explains that the stories are from her previous podcast Nothing Much Happens: those bedtime stories intended for the listener to fall asleep have been altered in this new show for general relaxation. First episode we hear “Bustle in the City” – it is holiday themed and we are let into the protagonist’s personal traditions with friends and playful disputes with family. With atmospheric sound design; a quiet drum roll here and the opening of a local gift shop there paired with gentle narration this is perfect to wind down. I’m excited about what other stories they have. Listen now >>
The Rest Is Entertainment
Recommended by Jason Reed
Sometimes you get a combination of people who are startling close to your fantasy dinner party – we all have those, right?! For me journalist Marina Hyde, and all-round great TV bloke Richard Osman, could quite possibly be on my invite list. Individually they are sublime communicators, the type of people who make any conversation amusing and interesting, and together their chemistry makes you listen with a comfy ease. The podcast is ultimately a showbiz review column… which sounds like my personal idea of hell, but they make the concept work. Whether reviewing the latest documentaries, or giving a quasi obituary to Henry Kissinger, the show is about as eclectic as it gets. You either passively converse along with the presenters on the topics you’re familiar with, or you begin to seek out the ones that you’re not. It’s quite lovely! Listen now >>
Other recommendations:
Carrie Jade Does Not Exist
A six-part series hosted by Sue Perkins and journalist Katherine Denkinson, Carrie Jade Does Not Exist is the story of how one woman, who took on over six different identities, infiltrated the lives of vulnerable people, and lied her way into gaining their trust. Based on an expose article written by Denkinson in 2022, this show mostly takes the form of Denkinson telling the story – with a little help from actors reading quotes from the victims – whilst Sue Perkins asks questions and makes comments. This might fill the gap for listeners needing a catfish-controversy. Listen now >>
Unlawful Killing
Every year, hundreds of people die at the hands of the very institutions that are meant to keep us safe – police, prisons, and mental health services. Bereaved families are left fighting for answers, demanding justice, and campaigning for change. This podcast from the charity INQUEST is hosted by Lucy Brisbane and Lee Lawrence, and shines a light on state violence, death, grief and resistance. Listen now >>
Congratulations to one of our former cover stars (issue #015), James Acaster on the launch of his new podcast. Springleaf! is based on James Acaster’s undercover cop alter-ego Pat Springleaf. Well. Pat was under cover under recently, but now he’s sharing his wire recordings from the drug-smuggling operation he’s been trying to take down since 2013. Or, is Springleaf is a new comedy crime podcast written by and starring James Acaster? With jokes, sound effects and original music by (American-Nigerian multi-instrumentalist) NNAMDÏ, Springleaf is a true(ish) crime podcast, created with the support of crowdfunding, and the Wall of Thanks lists the names of all the backers. Listen now >>
Heirs of Enslavement
Heirs of Enslavement explores the Transatlantic slave trade, but at it’s core, it is telling the story of two individuals – Clive Lewis MP, a descendent of the enslaved, and Laura Trevelyan, a descendent of the enslaver. In the spirit of bringing different perspectives, we’ve shared two reviews on the podcast: One from a writer that can relate to Clive, and one from a writer that can relate to Laura… Listen now >>
Legacy is a new history podcast, produced between Wondery and Goalhanger Podcasts. Afua Hirsch and Peter Frankopan tell the wild stories of some of the most extraordinary men and women ever to have lived – and ask whether they have the rep they deserve. Starting with the very topical Napoleon, they ask whether the man was a hero or a tyrant – or both? (And, while we’re at it, was he even short?) Listen now >>
Climate Decoded
With multiple hosts and a diverse array of guests Climate Decoded strives to make climate science and policy accessible and engaging for everyone. The first episode on the IPCC in particular gives a fascinating insight to the processes, limitations and biases behind reporting climate science. Listen now >>