Top 5 episodes – Get Legally Speaking
Spotted a podcast you want to try from a Pod Bible recommendation, but not sure how to dive in? We asked Hatti Suvari of Get Legally Speaking to share five episode of her podcast and why they’re important to check out for new listeners.
1. Diversity in Law – with Amanda Pinto QC, senior Barrister and Chair of The Bar Council
Coming from an ethnic minority background myself, and being a woman working in law, I can honestly say that I could really resonate with the discussion that I had with Amanda on how the legal profession is working towards making the Bar a more diverse sector to work in. There are not many people from my nationality at the Bar, and neither are their sufficient women at the top levels of the profession, so this episode really gives me hope that the Bar will be more diverse in future years. I guess that it was also refreshing to hear that a legal body is working so hard on making the Bar a diverse place to work.
2. Family Mediation – with senior Barrister & Judge Sarah Cooper
When I first started working in the legal sector, I truly believed that mediation was a waste of time. However, after having experienced with my clients how mediation can work in resolving matters, even in some of the most complex legal matters, I have become a strong believer of mediation. I love this episode because it gives our listeners a free insight into what mediation can be all about, in a way in which they may not be able to get access to elsewhere, without having to pay for it.
3. Domestic Abuse During The Crisis – Parts 1 and 2 – with senior Barrister Freya Rowe
As a direct result of the COVID-19 crisis, the increase in the number of domestic abuse cases have been staggering. This is such real and serious issue to so many people out there, and in these episodes we aim to help people recognise the various forms that domestic abuse that can take, and the number of ways in which you could get immediate help if you are experiencing any form of domestic abuse or if you are witnessing domestic abuse taking place.
4. Divorce Law – Part 1 – with senior Barrister Maria Scotland
Having been through a divorce myself many years ago, and even though I had legal assistance that was very costly, I did not understand most of what was going on in my divorce process at that time. When you look at the statistics that 1 in 3 marriages sadly end in divorce, I think it is so important for both parties to really understand the legal process around divorce, particularly if they are going to try and deal with the process themselves. Having some very basic understanding during the process, can really assist in preventing future problems and issues with what has been agreed, particularly relating to child arrangements, the finances of the marriage, the financial settlement, and with child and spousal maintenance that you may be paying or that you may be receiving. Understanding the process and getting it right whilst you are going through it, could even assist in keeping your assets and property safe and in your hands in years to come.
5. Motoring Law – Part 1 – with Barrister Jeremy Rosenberg
This is a really insightful episode that taught me a thing or to whilst recording it! We pass our driving test, and leave the law around motoring in the driver’s learning book behind, never catching up on the laws that govern most of us who use our cars on a regular basis. The 1 minute teaser video on our website for this podcast is also one of my favourite videos.
You can learn more about Get Legally Speaking on their website or Hatti’s Linkedin page.
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