THE GOOD SAMARITAN // Learning To Adult Slowly
The Team at Pod Bible have been looking through the magazine back catalogue with more than a hint of nostalgia. With 12 issues worth of great articles and interviews, we thought it was time to make our archive as accessible as possible by sharing it here on the website. From Issue #001, Jason Reed recommends the mental health podcast Learning To Adult Slowly in a Good Samaritan article.
Podcasts have become a hub for entertainment and amusement, or indeed a place of learning, but they’ve also taken on a role of outreach. There are certain challenges that we collectively face in today’s world, but podcasts are putting conversations on a global stage. We now have a whole sector with a social conscience in the podcast world. Pod Bible aims to shine a spotlight on these causes.
Learning To Adult Slowly is a podcast hosted by rap artist Professor Green and its aim is to address the many aspects faced by men today, such as body image, mental health, grief, and resilience. Produced by The Book of Man, a website that aims to open up the dialogue around mental health – and for which Professor Green is a columnist – the Learning to Adult Slowly podcast is a natural spin-off. So how did it all come about?
Martin Robinson, founder and editor of The Book of Man explains why he initially took such an interest in our collective mental health.
“I had the idea for it after losing my previous magazine job and finding myself at home, discovering the joys of being a stay at home Dad, but also quite isolated and bewildered and emotionally bruised. It occurred to me that there was nothing out there to really support men internally as well as externally – nothing genuinely dealing with the ‘masculinity crisis’, which wasn’t just a pop culture joke but a genuine result of a digital age shifting in social roles at home and work, exacerbated by recession and resulting in terrifying figures for male suicide, mental health issues, addiction, violence, sexual dysfunction, and eating disorders.”
The figures speak for themselves. The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is a support network for mental health and according to their website suicide is the single biggest killer of men aged under 45 in the UK. In 2015, 75% of all UK suicides were male. During a live recording of Learning to Adult Slowly, with guests consisting of Scroobius Pip, comedian Kelly Convey, and CALM CEO Simon Gunning, the panel were keen to point out that males under the age of 45 are statistically more likely to be at risk from dying due to self-harm than any other way, including road traffic deaths. What can we do to keep the conversation going?
Martin Robinson says:
“Having Professor Green as our columnist on Book of Man and also the host of the Learning to Adult Slowly podcast has been wonderful in exemplifying the kind of issues we want to deal with – the issues that aren’t better left unsaid. His writing about grief, meds, violence, fear, vulnerability, is remarkable and much needed. But bringing that into the podcast arena has given it another dimension, as well as a bigger repeat audience. Real conversations with people on these areas really makes them hit home. And you realise everyone has in some way been affected by such matters. The mere fact that you can listen to people talking about the most difficult moments in their life is remarkable. The reaction we had was immediate and positive”