Top 5 episodes – The Unequal Sequel
In our semi-regular Divine 5 columns we ask podcast hosts to share five of their favourite podcast episodes and tell us why they’re worth checking out for new listeners.
Last time we spoke to Dave and Rich from Unequal Sequel, they told us all about their film podcast that focuses on the sequels to films. Well now it’s time for the sequel to that interview! For part two, we asked them to tell us where new listeners should start, and which episodes stick in their minds…
S01 E01 – Helen O’Hara
It seems a bit convenient that our first ever episode is first on this list, but Helen was such a brilliant guest that we really couldn’t have chosen anyone else. We have both been big fans of Helen’s writing for a long time and we were both blown away when she agreed to be the first guest on our new podcast. Helen’s answers to our daft questions about movie sequels were perfect and she perfectly balances an incredible insight and knowledge of film with wit and charm that instantly puts you at ease. Also we got to talk about Indiana Jones, which is always a winner!
S02 E01 – Nick Helm
We are such big fans of Nick that we were both really nervous before we recorded this episode, but the nerves soon went away as Nick had us laughing from for first minute. One of the things that we love about this podcast is when we get to watch movies that we haven’t seen before and Nick really delivered some crackers. We won’t spoil it but his pick for worst sequel is one of the worst movies we have ever seen! Normally we try and keep our episodes to around an hour, but this episode is a lot longer as there was just too much great stuff for us to cut any out and as Nick says were now BEST friends!
Ghostbusters Afterlife Extra Episode with Seann Walsh
We recorded with Seann in our second episode and we both really liked him straight away. It’s a great episode, but we both agreed that our chat about Ghotsbusters: Afterlife for an extra episode in series 2 was our favourite. As well as our interview episodes we also record an ‘Extra’ episode every week where we review recent sequels or talk about some sequel related nonsense. This was a special one as its the first time we had invited a guest on an extra episode. Seann is such a huge Ghostbusters fan that we knew we had to get his thoughts about the new movie. Seann is passionate, funny and engaging. This is probably the best ‘Extra’ episode we have done, maybe because it’s not just us two!
S01 E05 – Lewis Arnold
Both of us studied film at university and Lewis was in the year below, but it was clear from the first time we met him that he was going to be something special. Lewis has directed loads of award winning TV shows including Broadchurch, Humans, Misfits, Des and mostly recently Time with Sean Bean and Stephen Graham. Lewis’ film knowledge is truly encyclopaedic and he had so many honourable mentions that this turned into an extra long episode, but it’s all great stuff. It was such a good chat that we also had to release an extra ‘Extra’ episode of Lewis talking about directing Time and his other projects.
Our Best, Worst and Dream James Bond Extra Episode
I think that this is the ‘Extra’ episode that we enjoyed the most, which is weird because neither of us are huge Bond fans. We decided to ask ourselves the questions we ask our guests and came up with our Best, Worst and Dream Bond movies. It’s a great episode if you like Bond or not and has a twist because Rich’s dream Bond sequel isn’t really a sequel and doesn’t have Bond in it, but you’ll have to listen to the episode to find out how that works.
Listen to Unequal Sequel now on ACAST, SPOTIFY and find links to other platforms on the podcast’s page.
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