Grounded: A Climate Startup Journey
Tom Previte stumbled across biochar during the first season of a podcast he co-hosts – The Carbon Removal Show – and this discovery led to him setting up a green startup, and to his new podcast, Grounded: A Climate Startup Journey. We spoke to Tom about creating Grounded, his podcasting inspirations, and what he’s learnt on his podcasting journey so far…
Who are you and what’s your podcast about?
Grounded: A Climate Startup Journey captures the highs and lows of a green startup – from sharp learning curves to unlikely breakthroughs. Listen in as Tom (that’s me) digs deep into the realities and complexities of setting up a carbon removal project, and gets to grips with the science, the money, and everything it takes to build an environmentally (and financially) sustainable business. Will he make it work?

Tom Previte and the 200-acre farm near Liskeard, Cornwall where he’s launching his startup
What’s the first podcast you ever listened to?
This is a throwback but it was a BBC Radio 4 number – In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg back in 2012/2013. I enjoyed his no BS hosting. He just gets stuck into the meat of the episode, no niceties. 😂
Why did you decide to start podcasting in the first place?
There are a bunch of podcasts out there that make sustainability and specifically the carbon removal landscape more comprehensible. However, I realised that there just wasn’t a playbook out there taking you step-by-step through what it takes to launch your own business in the space. It’s all cloak and daggers. This podcast wants to lift the lid by providing deep (sometimes raw) insights into a founder’s experience. I like to think we are democratising this knowledge and clearing the way for others who may follow.
Which podcasts do you take inspiration from?
So many! I loved Gimlet’s Startup. We drew a lot of inspiration from telling the founder’s journey with this show. I’ve also got to shout out The Carbon Removal Show, another podcast I work on which is so excellent at taking a really complex subject and breaking it down into lay terms.
Who’s your dream guest for the podcast?
We’d love to interview a version of ourselves 5 years into the future to see whether we succeed with the business! Failing that, Yvon Chouinard.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt so far as a podcaster?
If you believe in what you’re putting out there, others will too. And, you may not know the exact reason why you’re making the thing to begin with but making the thing will definitely help you figure it out.
Which episode would you say is the perfect introduction to your podcast?
‘Episode 1: Scr*w it, let’s do it’ – it’s got it all – a bit of education, creative storytelling, a lot of emotion, cameos from my dad (anyone starting a business who has sought advice from their dad will know…). All this in under 30 mins!
Where can the Pod Bible readers find out more about you?
You can find us via our website – or check out our Linktree.
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